Chatroulette map localisation
How We Did It
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Of course, playing Chatroulette is not without some risk. Chatroulette has been mentioned on all sorts of Real News sources, and it's well known and easy to explain that you don't personally choose what you're viewing over it. Ternovskiy has said he is working on a way to block this tool.
The map is served by Dreamhost and is registered out of Colorado. ChatrouletteMaps doesn't let you pinpoint everyone you connect with on Chatroulette, unfortunately. Groups of females were even younger. And obviously an IP address isn't like GPS; these things aren't going to be totally accurate to the street level.
ChatRoulette takes the world by storm - As though they're all. Combined with the overall female rate, that means less than 1% of chats feature a female pervert.
This is a guest post by , the CEO and co-founder of , an on-demand database analytics and business intelligence startup. His last guest post was an. It has all the elements of a good story: technology, mystery, celebrity, and sex. We were itching to study Chatroulette in a , but no one seemed to have any good data for us to explore. So, we decided compile the data ourselves by leveraging , some scrappy programming, and a passionate tech community. We soon had detailed data on 2,883 Chatroulette sessions that tied users to geography, gender, appearance, and more. The next most likely country is France at 15%. That number is 1 in 12 for males. Getting the data, however, was a bit of a challenge. The tells us that a large set of random observations allows us to draw high-confidence conclusions about the underlying data set. We started our process at , an awesome new site that plots screenshots from random Chatroulette sessions on a map. Chatroulette Map uses this IP data to geolocate and map random chatters on their website along with still photos from their chats. As an added bonus, the file name of each image is a of when it was taken. Note: we tried contacting the creators of Chatroulette Map to participate in this story but did not receive a response. Once we had photos, times, and locations, we needed data on what was happening in each chat photo. We coded up a quick webpage that displayed a random photo from the data set and asked some basic multiple-choice questions about that photo. These included questions on age, gender, and what the person in the photo was doing. We posted the link to on Saturday night. In under two hours, we received 10,770 photo assessments from 1,012 distinct IP addresses. Every photo received a corroborated profile. We had our data. Five minutes later, the data was loaded into a and returning the results you see below. If they excluded data points for any reason or did not sample randomly, our analysis could be skewed. It can also be thrown off by users taking advantage of proxy servers or using other techniques to disguise their IP addresses. Any images that were judged incorrectly could skew the results. Because of this, all of our statistics are about the average session and not the average user. Interestingly, 11% showed no person at all while only 9% showed a solo female. Most Chat Partners were Male Also interesting is the prevalence of groups on Chatroulette. In all, 8% of chats featured a group of people 4% all-male, 2% all-female, and 2% mixed. If you include groups, your chance of encountering a female grows to 13%. However, this means that if you do encounter a female, there is about a 1 in 3 chance that she will be part of a group. In contrast, the chance a male will be part of a group is only about 1 in 12. Age This analysis excludes cams where age could not be estimated. As you might expect, most people were young adults about 70%. About 20% were under 20 and about 10% were 40 and older. Most chat partners are young adults When we combine age with the gender statistics that we tracked above, we learn even more. For example, females tended to be younger than males, with 23% under 20 vs. Only 3% of females were over 40 vs. Groups of females were even younger. There were no groups whatsoever of people 40 or older. Location 47% of the Chatroulette participants measured were from the United States. This means about 1 in 8 chat sessions will have something decidedly Rated R or NC-17 on the other end. Of the perverts that were identified, only 8% were female. Combined with the overall female rate, that means less than 1% of chats feature a female pervert. Turkey, France, and Germany tie for second place with rates of 15%. Bringing down the global average is the United States, which boasts the lowest pervert concentration of the bunch: 10%. Also worth mentioning are the users who display signs like the one below requesting female nudity. Signs like this make up between 1% and 2% of all chats. Validation In trolling through the thousands of photos collected by Chatroulette Map, I came across this extremely interesting image. It contains a statistical breakdown of what this user saw during his many Chatroulette chat sessions. These stats appear to be based on a data set of 1,090 points pretty impressive for a single user. The numbers are generally in the same ballpark as ours although we observed a higher pervert rate. Conclusion Scarcity of the data made this project both challenging and exciting. In an ideal world, it would be great to analyze things like average session length based on different attributes, chat user return rates, , and more. Because of the mostly-anonymous nature of Chatroulette, that data will be hard to come by. For now, at least you have a better idea of what you will see when you hit that Next button. Guest author Robert J. Moore is the CEO of RJ Metrics, a startup that helps online businesses measure, manage, and monetize better. He was previously a venture capital analyst and currently serves as an advisor to several New York startups. Robert blogs at and can be followed on Twitter at.
The Division Vs Real Life (via Google Maps)
The revenue from our hosting services helps support this blog. Pauvre connecté de Bois le Roi…. The responsible site was created by a talented young person. The Rankings Home and Work, Combined We'll start where the report starts - at those sites most popular when combining home and work visits. Radio is not the youngest of mediums, chatroulette map localisation in a time when everyone is trying to sol relevant in this lightning fast era of electronic mail, Dot Coms, and Virus Videos it can be difficult to keep on top of things. The revenue from our hosting services helps support this blog. It's also terrifying to think what'll happen when this collides with registered sex la counts. We found that Chatroulettemap.